Galleria Tila 9.8 -27.8 2022 Tornio
Taidekamari 5.10 - 31.10 2022 Pudasjärvi
Taival is my emotional growth story told with underwater photography.
Taival is Finnish and means a difficult journey.
From the warmth of a joyful childhood, I unexpectedly found myself trapped in a toxic relationship during my teenage years. This phase culminated in a near-fatal encounter with a narcissistic individual.
These years broke my self-image. I lost myself and drifted into a long-term addiction cycle. I tried to find myself but was too damaged to look inside.
However, some power awakened inside me. I realized that only change is permanent. I started walking the path of positivity towards the light.
Finally, after the long journey, I feel whole and at peace with my past.
Only years later did I realize what happened and how I survived.
This photo series is a visually and emotionally strong story; each image can work on its own, reflecting the viewer's situation in one way or another.